February 18, 2025



Skokomish Tribal Center

80 North Tribal Center Rd, Skokomish, WA 98584

Business Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am. to 5 pm.

Phone: (360) 426-4232    Fax: (360) 877-5943


Mission Statement

It is the function of the Skokomish Indian Nation Administration Offices to ensure efficient and effective coordination of Skokomish Tribal programs and government services for the Skokomish Indian Nation and its Tribal Members. The Administration Office also reviews and administers policies and procedures for all Tribal programs and offices, as set by the Skokomish Tribal Council.


Summary of Services

The Administration Department provides support, assistance, and guidance to the other departments of the Skokomish Organization.


Position Staff Member Telephone/Extension E-Mail
Chief Executive Officer Tom Strong 360-426-4232 x.2022 tstrong@skokomish.org
Deputy Director Adrian LeCornu 360-426-4232 x.2037 alecornu@skokomish.org
Executive Secretary Bobbi Blacketer 360-426-4232 x.2021 bblacketer@skokomish.org
Enrollment Clerk Celeste Vigil 360-426-4232 x.2020 celeste@skokomish.org
Sounder/ Web Editor Mark Warren 360-426-4232 x.2053 sounder@skokomish.org
Tribal Receptionist Norma Cagey 360-426-4232 x.2000 ncagey@skokomish.org
Personnel Manager Winona Plant 360-426-4232 x. 2009 tuwaduq1@skokomish.org
Security Roger Pulsifer 360-426-4232 x.2000
Security Matt Warren 360-426-4232 x.2000
Security Anthony Wilbur 360-426-4232 x.2000


The Skokomish Tribal Buildings will be closed on these days. The buildings will re-open either the following day or the following Monday.

January 16, 2023 Martin Luther King Day
January 26, 2023 Point No Point Treaty Day
February 20, 2023 Presidents Day
March 9, 2023 Billie Frank Jr Day
May 29, 2023 Memorial Day
June 19, 2023 Juneteenth
July 4, 2023 Independence Day
September 4, 2023 Labor Day
September 22, 2023 Washington American Indian Day
October 19, 2023 Indigenous Peoples Day
November 10, 2023 Veteran’s Day
November 23, 2023 Thanksgiving Holiday
November 24, 2023 Native American Heritage Day
December 25-26, 2023 
Christmas Holidays